Navigating New Norms: A Gen X Parent’s Journey

2 min readFeb 19, 2024

As a member of Generation X, adapting to the evolving landscape of gender identity and language has been a journey filled with learning curves. It’s not a matter of reluctance but rather the occasional stumble over new terminologies that challenge my linguistic habits.

A recent experience with my son and his friend illuminated this new reality for me. My son mentioned a friend visiting from out of town, using “they” to refer to this single individual. It took me a moment to understand that he was speaking about one person, not multiple friends. This realization led me to a meaningful conversation about preferred pronouns when we met, highlighting my commitment to respect and inclusivity, even though I occasionally falter.

The complexities extend beyond pronouns. RSVPing to events or discussing relationships without assigning gender has become a thoughtful process, requiring careful consideration to avoid misrepresentation or unintended implications. Whether it’s avoiding gendered terms like “girlfriend” or “fiancé” or navigating the use of “significant other” without overstepping the bounds of their relationship’s seriousness, each interaction is an opportunity to learn and show respect.

Protecting my children from negativity and harm in a world where intolerance still exists is paramount. My middle son’s involvement in a production of “The Laramie Project” was a profound eye-opener to the harsh realities faced by the LGBTQ+ community, reinforcing my resolve to support and protect my family at all costs.

The concept of parents who reject or harm their children due to their identity is unfathomable to me. The idea that one could instill such hatred in their offspring is deeply troubling. My journey is ongoing, marked by moments of uncertainty but driven by unwavering love and a desire to understand and embrace the evolving norms of identity and expression.




Mom of three boys. Computer programmer living in the country with my husband focusing on my hobbies and youngest son.