Navigating the Maze of Online Vehicle Scams: A Personal Odyssey

3 min readFeb 18, 2024

In the digital bazaar where I hoped to find a deal, my quest for a new vehicle led me down a curious path. The online marketplace, vast and varied, promised convenience but delivered a cautionary tale instead. It was during this virtual expedition that I stumbled upon listings that seemed too good to be true.

Each listing was a clone of the other, the same vehicle portrayed in different locales. My intrigue piqued when I reached out to a seller, only to be greeted with a narrative steeped in urgency. The tale was one of military service and a pressing need to part with their vehicle. The script was eerily familiar across the board: a dire financial predicament, a beloved vehicle reluctantly relinquished, and an elaborate assurance of safety in transaction through a specified service.

The pattern was unmistakable. Each seller spun a yarn of necessity, weaving in guarantees of transactional security to quell any looming skepticism. The request was always the same — money first, vehicle to follow. It was a classic hallmark of online scams, preying on the trust and empathy of potential buyers.

My attempts to report these fraudulent listings felt akin to an arcade game of Whac-A-Mole; with every scam listing I flagged, two more would spring up in its place. It was a relentless cycle, a digital hydra with heads too numerous to count.

This experience, though frustrating, was illuminating. It served as a stark reminder of the vigilance…




Mom of three boys. Computer programmer living in the country with my husband focusing on my hobbies and youngest son.