Reflecting on Immigration: Past and Present

3 min readJan 15, 2024

In light of Donald Trump’s recent comments on immigrants, it’s imperative to delve into the broader context of immigration in America, a topic deeply rooted in our nation’s history and identity. This reflection becomes more personal when I consider my own heritage: my great-grandparents on my maternal grandmother’s side immigrated from Italy in the early 1900s. Yet, the rest of my ancestors settled in the United States much earlier, during the late 1600s and early 1700s. This mosaic of arrival times and origins is a common American story, underscoring the fact that, except for Native Americans, we are a nation of immigrants. I’m a member of both the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Daughters of the American Colonist, yet I’m also eligible for dual citizenship with the 1948 rule in Italy under my great grandparents.

I have to admit I wonder if the current drop in literacy and the current distrust of the media with the proliferation of social media (unproven facts posted and shared as fact) affects this trend. I’ve seen people post claiming everything from the world is flat to that the election was stolen. Though I can’t tell if the people starting these fairy tales are real people are trolls trying to destabilize the US, the people spreading the posts are generally just taking the posts as facts claiming to have researched the stories, with sites popping up all over claiming to ‘have the facts’. To top it off we have schools now even removing dictionaries from schools to ‘protect our children’ from words (and literacy). I…




Mom of three boys. Computer programmer living in the country with my husband focusing on my hobbies and youngest son.