The Dilemma of Data Hoarding: To Keep or Not to Keep Old Files?

2 min readSep 19, 2023


Data hoarding isn’t a new phenomenon, but with the advent of digital technology, the capacity to store an ever-increasing amount of information has reached new heights. From family photographs to old work files and documents from your children’s schooling, the question becomes: What should you keep, and what should you get rid of? This dilemma becomes particularly relevant when you discover files that date back years, like a directory from your son’s preschool days, even though he’s now a high school sophomore.

Emotional Attachment and Data Hoarding

It’s easy to attach emotional significance to certain files, especially those involving family and milestones. Keeping such files isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can help you reminisce and reflect on life events. However, emotional attachment can sometimes lead to unnecessary data hoarding. According to Dr. Randy O. Frost, a psychology professor who specializes in obsessive-compulsive disorder and hoarding, the sentimental value of an item (or a file) often makes it hard to part with ([source](

Practical Considerations

1. **Relevance**: How relevant is this directory to your life or your son’s life now? Will it be useful or meaningful in the future?
2. **Space**: Are you running out of storage space, either digitally or physically?




Mom of three boys. Computer programmer living in the country with my husband focusing on my hobbies and youngest son.